Edge pest control
Edge pest control

The past few years have reached over 150% turnover rate. The product they deliver is second to none. If you act as though you are better than everyone else because of your successes, you will not garner any respect from your employees.Įdge Pest Control is a very successful company on the outside. Yes, he is very successful, but at the end of the day, words and actions matter. If managers want to discuss something outside of the culture curriculum, they are told “there is nothing outside of what the founder talks about that needs to be discussed.” Books on leadership are not approved because the founder is arrogant enough to believe all people need is his gentle, guiding hand. The owners thrive on controlling their people, as well as the narrative.

edge pest control

But those are harder to come by because you don’t know who to trust. Unless you have a manager who goes against the system and let’s you do those things behind the back of upper management. You will not be allowed to leave early to watch children play sports or watch school programs, leave during the day to take a child to a doctor’s appt, or anything else remotely like it. They may say they strive to create an environment for work-life balance, but it is non-existent. But when you bring it up to management, they refer the to the culture curriculum and say “make it happen”. Even though you work long hours and keep getting more responsibility piled on your plate, you are still way under-compensated. Management loved seeing people there until 7-8pm at night because it showed the employee’s commitment to the job, even though it was at the sacrifice of the employee’s family. If you didn’t work 10+ hours a day, you weren’t committed to the company and were deemed lazy.

edge pest control

Workers are asked to stay past 5pm and work weekends on a regular basis. Managers were told on many occasions to “leverage the resources available to us” so as to make the deadlines. Management also feels there is no need to bring on more staff. It really is on the verge of being a cult. On paper it may sound legit, but in practice, it’s another way for owners to control the managers. And some people find out the hard way that nothing is confidential on those meetings. For those who are in management, there is an onsite Culture Director who you have to meet with to make sure they are 100 percent bought in and making sure their teams are indoctrinated as well. If you have any thoughts about the culture, outside of what the founder says, you are told your opinions and thoughts aren’t inline with what the founder has envisioned and then you have one-on-one meetings to make sure you “understand” what is required you understand. During weekly “culture” meetings, you listen to one of the founder’s topics and then have an hour discussion about it. The founder of the company created a culture curriculum based on his teachings. Promises made by management rarely ever manifest. They get you excited about being a part of the future of Edge, but at the end of the day, all the “promises” they make you are empty promises and will never be followed up on. They will tell you all the things you will be apart of and how you will be able to influence the company to do great things. Not as a threat, but they get into your mind and make you question every decision you have ever made. If you want to leave, they will tell you how you are just scared of being challenged and you will regret leaving the company. They prey on your fears and weaknesses to guilt you into staying…whether it be staying at the company instead of taking another opportunity, or by staying late or working on weekends. The owners are all about “love-based” motivation on the surface, but when it comes right down to it, they lead with fear rather than love.

edge pest control

Over the years, as the owners have accumulated more wealth, they have turned into “Do as I say, not as I do” owners. I worked at Edge long enough to know there are much better opportunities out there.

Edge pest control